

    This is the traditional cake of Israel-and it is exceedingly popular. It has no Hebrew name but is called by the European designation, tort. This cake appears in many shades and shapes and is covered in a variety of ways. A typical method involves cutting the cake horizontally in two and covering it with fresh strawberries (for which Israel is famous), jelly and whipped cream.

    6 egg yolks
    1-1/4 cups sugar
    2 tsp. lemon juice
    1 tsp. grated lemon rind
    6 egg whites
    1/4 tsp. salt
    1-1/2 cups sifted cake flour
    1 tsp. baking powder

    Beat egg yolks; gradually add sugar, beating until thick and light in color. Stir in lemon juice and rind.

    Beat egg whites and salt until stiff but not dry. Pile on top of the egg yolk mixture. Sift flour mixed with baking powder over egg whites and fold in carefully. Turn into a 10 inch tube pan.

    Bake at 325 deg F (170 deg C) for 50 minutes or until browned and free from sides of pan. Invert and let cool.

